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caught northern pike

Introducing The Northern Pike Northern pike is predominantly a fresh water fish though they are also found in the brackish waters of the Baltic Sea.  They are a carnivorous fish that will eat anything from frogs, insects, leeches, the occasional duckling, and other pike.  Females tend to grow larger than the males, and the largest …

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Northern Pike Fishing Tips Is Back!

caught northern pike

Well it has been a long time, especially when you measure it in online years – but we’re finally back! That doesn’t mean I haven’t been spending a lot of time out on the water.

Maybe my ratio of northern pike have been too few trophies and a few too many “snakes” but you know what? That’s the life of a pike angler!

While a lot has changed over the years, my love of fishing hasn’t gone anywhere. I’ve missed writing about these amazing fish and going over old fishing stories, sharing tips, techniques, and tactics, and simply contributing to the online fishing community.

While I can’t promise I’ll be on top of yearly fishing reports or hyper-specific area outings anymore, but if I can spend my time at the computer writing about fishing when I can’t get back out on the water…well I’m plenty fine with that.

For readers who wonder where we went years ago, for those who are here for the first time, and for everyone else who ends up finding us over the years to come: I’m glad to be here, thanks for visiting, and I hope you find plenty useful so you keep on coming back!